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11:00 am
Rhodds Farm – Open
Rhodds Farm started life as 2 tiny workmen’s cottages. They were turned into one and extended in Victorian times and the big threshing barn was probably built at around the same time. We moved here in September 2004 and did extensive building works, extending the house, converting the barn and dairy, and restoring the granary. There was no garden when we Continue Reading
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Kington’s Annual Wheelbarrow Race
A Kington Festival Event Wheelbarrow Race Evening - Bring all the family to watch the various races through the town or enter yourself to compete for numerous trophies and prizes! Registration and fees for all entries will commence at 18:00 in Kington Primary School playground Race starts 18.30pm. Spectators free. Please see our Wheelbarrow pages for more information. Please Continue Reading
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